Meen’s recommendation: Mellow Yellow Cafe (Frankfurt)

It’s now 3.54 pm and 7 degree Celsius in Frankfurt and I’m seated comfortably by the window in Mellow Yellow Cafe.

Located at Berger Straße, Frankfurt

It’s recommended by Meen, a girl I’ve just met on board but I have heard of her a few times, from batchboy Kim. Every time when we talk about veganism, Kim would be like ‘oh, you need to meet my girlfriend’s housemate, who is also a vegan…’

I wasn’t able to connect the dots right away, but as the 13 hours flight went on and we were all gathering in the galley after the second meal service, the conversation about veganism took off and everything made sense.

It was really fun listening to her: from her journey, documentary recommendation, researches that have been done, slowly cutting out animal products… till now become a fully dedicated vegan, it’s almost like listening to my own presentation, in a prettier face with a gentle tone. Hehe. (I do think I’m pretty but if you see her, you’ll agree. =P)

Anyways, coming back to this cafe: when your fellow Vegan recommend a place to you, you want to go. And here I am.

Order station

Mellow Yellow Cafe is a nice little homey cafe. They, however, only accept cash terms, which is kind of a blessing in disguise that I’ve forgotten my credit card for this trip – I’ve finally got some cash in hand. As soon as you step, you’ll see a selection of cakes standing in the middle of the cafe. Kindly check with the staff as they offer gluten free and vegan cakes as well.

Cake counter
I’ve ordered Zitrone cake (vegan) and flat white with coconut milk.

The cake is so pretty, isn’t it? I took out my book and thinking I’ll enjoy the cake slowly while reading, but it was so good I finished the cake even before I reached half of the page.

Speaking of book, my current read is The 5 Second Rule, by Mel Robbins. If you haven’t heard of her and currently are lack of motivation in life, check out her presentation at TED x SF: How to stop screwing yourself over. It’s pretty impressive and might just be the push you need.

When you push yourself, you may not change the world, the laws, or spark a civil rights movement, but I can guarantee you’ll change something equally as important – you’ll change yourself.

Mel Robbins
From my cozy corner

A cup of hot coffee, a slice of lemon cake, a cozy corner, an inspiring book, in a lazy afternoon, what else can I ask for? Ü

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